But for some reason, when I export as FBX, 6 of those animations disappear. For my main character I designed 19 animations. I designed everything in Blender and I’m trying to export as FBX to import into Unity. using shape keys or through an 'Anim All' Add On which will allow you to animate vertex points or just by using two joints. 1 I’m having an issue where some of my animations are not exporting with my model/armature. If you're simply looking for the scroll to stretch out in the middle and the two ends to move apart, I suggest animating the middle section in a different way, e.g. Otherwise, you could try and apply your modifiers before your export, but I presume that will undo the effect you're going for? My limited advice would be to try using an alembic cache export instead of an FBX, because that will cache all the animation data to the mesh. I found this out when I had a Subdivision modifier on a rig I was using and it caused a lot of trouble for a short while. It will either ignore it and erase any other modifiers below it on the list or (if you have 'Apply Modifiers' ticked in your FBX export settings, under Geometry) it will apply them. To my knowledge, you cannot export a Blender Modifier via an FBX. From what I can see (and what I know from having completed a Blender to Unity project recently) the root of your trouble is the active modifiers that you're using for the effect (the mirror and the curve modifiers).